About CDP

CDP Gaming Technologies is South Africa's leading gaming software solutions provider offering complete out-of-the-box sports betting solutions to local and international Bookmakers.

Started in 2013, CDP Gaming Technologies is a new entrant to the online betting and gaming solutions market in South Africa but not without a wealth of experience and expertise. Our products and services originate from a 100-strong international development team, and is run by South African managers with over 25 years of combined experience. This allows us to provide you with ...

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"Chance favors the prepared mind."

- Louis Pasteur

Back Office Admin

CDP Gaming Technologies provides you with a clear and easy management tools for its users, while delivering a full scope of reports for operational and financial analysis, as required by the National Gambling Board.

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POS Terminal

CDP Gaming Technology offers touch-screen terminals with easy-to-understand display, integrated printer and card reader. This allows for simple operation, maximum focus and efficiency in terms of service and time-management.

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Self-Service Terminal

CDP Gaming Technologies has developed a unique system of self-service betting terminals, designed for punters to place their own bets in a fast, effective manner. Self-service terminals not only alleviate queues, but also allows for a more pleasant customer experience. With easy-to-understand touch-screen terminals, enhanced with cutting-edge graphics and display, the terminals accept banknotes and coins, as well as printing tickets.

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Online Betting Administration

With vigorous online betting software solutions, supported by the latest IT technology and responsive data, CDP Gaming Technology offers a complete online betting portal. Data analysis and segmentation applications allows for effective promotional campaigns, as well as management tools that ensure maximised operational efficiency.

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Mobile Betting Innovation

Mobile technology is growing at a fast pace and, due to the convenience and privacy, more and more people are choosing Smartphones and Androids as their online betting devices. CDP Gaming Technologies employs leading innovation and technology to give all customers access to offerings while delivering a superior player experience. Your business interest is still protected with a system that monitors and controls all mobile activity.

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Odds Management

Betting is a game of numbers, but that doesn't mean that the numbers that you pay should go up. CDP Gaming Technologies brings reliable, optimally set feeds right to you, providing you with the data you need to build a better business. Our team of in-house bookmakers will ensure that your profit margin is always maintained.

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